MC-123007 - Z-fighting on zombie horse texture.MC-122864 - Tamed llamas, donkeys, and mules cannot be named with a name tag.MC-121832 - Z-fighting on skeleton horse texture.MC-121714 - Unable to save screenshots and world icons if the path contains non-ASCII characters.MC-121628 - Horse armor textures z-fighting.MC-102403 - Persistent/unchangeable sounds after (re-)opening a world.MC-35856 - Multiple background songs playing at one time / automatic music overlap (not Jukebox music).MC-130521 - Leaves placed by hand disappear if not touching log or bark after a reload.MC-130463 - Sponges do not absorb bubble columns.MC-129625 - Sea grass changes to air pockets when upgrading from 18w16a to 18w20a+.

MC-127142 - Failed to create block entity DUMMY (path of location: minecraft:DUMMY).MC-124972 - Game crashes during the loading world, when creating a superflat world with oceanmonument tag.

MC-124123 - Crash upon loading world: Non character in path of location: minecraft:Zombie.MC-122940 - After executing the /reload command, clicking on recipe book recipes does not work.MC-122134 - Tab-completion in command blocks no longer works.Added an "Optimize World" button (singleplayer -> edit world -> optimize world), which upgrades an entire world from older version to the latest version in one go.Team names & objective names are now text components, not raw strings.Changed which blocks show dripping liquids.Made all waterlogged blocks display the drip animation.Fixed outstanding issues with the new improved fonts.Changed dolphin treasure finding behaviour to be more on parity with Bedrock.Renamed a lot of internal IDs to be more consitent with the game.Biome names are now sorted alphabetically in the buffet menu.You can now combine 9 ice to create 1 packed ice.Reverted the bark block changes from the first pre-release.Title screen should now be more optimised.You can now tab-complete in command blocks again.Three brand new pieces of music by C418.

That said, unless any major show stopper pops up, we aim to release Update Aquatic for Minecraft: Java Edition on Wednesday, July 18th. We're now on pre-release 10 and we expect this to be the last pre-release before the full release.